The bus routes cover a wide area, making it convenient for students to commute to and from the school.
- Musanah to School
- Swaiq to School
- Bidaya to Khaburah to School
- Sinas to Sohar to School
- Saham Area
Our buses operate on all working days, from Sunday to Thursday, providing punctual and efficient transport services. This facility ensures that students can focus on their studies without the stress of daily travel arrangements. Safety and convenience remain our top priorities in managing the school transport system.
The routes include:
The bus routes cover a wide area, making it convenient for students to commute to and from the school.
Our buses operate on all working days, from Sunday to Thursday, providing punctual and efficient transport services. This facility ensures that students can focus on their studies without the stress of daily travel arrangements. Safety and convenience remain our top priorities in managing the school transport system.